About EA&S
Fostering Independence Through Creative Engagement
Since 2019, Enable Access & Support has been providing disability supports in the South Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.
With over 18+ years of experience in the disability field, we offer a variety of services for people with additional needs aged 7+. We provide flexible support designed to encourage people to explore and engage in all aspects of mainstream life through social and community experiences. Our vision is to enable and empower people with disabilities through acquired life skills, social inclusions, and support.
Our services include group-based recreational programs, in-home support, school holiday programs, life skills programs, respite camps and gardening and cleaning. We take pride in going above and beyond to ensure that our participants are taken care of and that every one of their needs are met.
Our support workers are highly experienced, motivated individuals. We take pride in the training and support we offer our staff, who are the driving force behind creating a more inclusive and supported environment at Enable Access & Support. Our team is committed to improving the wellbeing of our participants by providing highly personalised services.